So apologies in advance but we got a little behind on the updates of late. That’s not because nothing is happening, it’s more that we aren’t doing it. Yes, others are using their labour and we’re getting the benefit. Not what you’d expect from the Comrades at Rally Sputnik, is it?
Well, actually we’re really doing the proper Soviet way. No, not buying people off with trailer loads of used washing machines, but from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs. So since our abilities are in the high value business of consulting – quiet in the back, you – we’re doing that while people who know what they are doing work on the car for a change, which is what WE need. And they say communism doesn’t work! Then there’s the whole ‘money’ thing, which we won’t get into here.
But back to our point, already in progress. And that is…that things are in progress. The motor has had the required parts identified and ordered and the shell has had the seam welding done and the door bars in, so next up is…more cage, finish the motor, order more motor parts, order suspension parts, put it all back together, and then victory! With maybe a few interim milestones along the way.
For the motor we are doing the following:
– Deck head and install ARP head studs
– Update lifters to new style (helps with oil flow)
– Replace oil pump (pouched but we knew that) and water pump (always a good idea)
– Replace timing belt, pulley, tensioner arm, etc – entire timing kit (Kevlar belt not recommended; they felt stock was more than adequate)
– Re-bore cylinders to rectify scoring
– New rings
– New rod and main bearings
– Machine crank (thanks to bearings gone; already done)
– All new gaskets
– Balance shaft eliminator kit (already have one)
That will take a couple of weeks still. Best part: when asked if they’d like some money to get started the answer was “Why? We have your motor”. Never mind that we paid $700 for the entire car and we’re putting more than that in parts into just the engine; we’re happy to keep our money under our sack of potatoes where it belongs until we have to share it.
The cage will also take a couple of weeks but so far the only surprise has been how well it’s turning out. DSM people, if you need an FIA cage you know where to go! Ryan continues to post great pictures on the Rally / Race Developments Facebook page so you’d best go there.
So to recap, at a high level we’re going to:
– Reduce the size of the transmission tunnel to make more room, put the air vent in the roof, build an exhaust, build a light bar, patch some holes, make some holes – misc stuff like that
– Receive the new ‘hefty man’ size Sparco race seat
– Get the cage built, belt and seat mounts in, and inspected. Milestone event: logbook!
– Clean, prep and paint the interior and the engine compartment. White. Very original, we know.
– Order, pick up, and build enough suspension bushings, steering parts (power steering seems kinda messed up/missing some bits), and front sub-frame such that we can mount the coil-overs and have a rolling, steering car…that we can push/winch onto a trailer
– Receive one engine and bolt all the extra stuff to it, install new clutch, etc
– Order parts we need to finish hooking up the engine to the car
– Design and build brake line system, fuel lines, and electrical system
– Very carefully start car with fire extinguisher handy
– Get some bodywork done for the larger holes in the exterior
– Paint it (if we have the time/money to do that – may be rattle can black) and put a windshield in
All of the above should feature lots of pictures, busted knuckles and broken dreams, so be you’ll want to come back often.
Essentially, though, the plan is to get the car drivable enough that it can be appraised so we can get insurance and temp plates so we can drive it to get clean air and safety so that eventually, hopefully, get it to a frigging competition of speed in 2013! (We were planning for Lanark, then Galway, and now..RallyX, test day, and then…Pines). Yes, we’re going to start by taking a car in which we designed the fuel, electrical and braking systems and race it for the first time in the toughest rally in Ontario. What could go wrong?
Pray for us. And now, some pictures!
Anonymous seam weld crud remover, covered in seam weld crud2. Cleaned up for welding – detail
As ready as it’s going to be.
Sill bars
Door bars without front brace
Door bars WITH front brace
Looking proudly on the work so far
Um, that one’s a bit phallic actually. Best to ignore that one, possibly.
How to enter the vehicle
Weld porn